Astrology and Numerology Reports

Astrology is based on your time of entry into planet earth and how the stars and the other planets align at that point in time which determine your destiny. Numerology is based on your date of birth and your name converted to numbers that predetermine your vibration, your essence which greatly influences how you perceive your life journey.

The Astrology and Numerology Reports are similar to a psychic clairvoyant reading and are available to be purchased online.  They can provide you with insights on your individual traits and tendencies and unveil hidden aspects of your character. This can give you a unique perspective on your personal development and relationships with others. Along with each type of report are samples you can review on what the computer software generates. 

These reports offer an inexpensive means by which you can find answers about your life journey, why you are facing certain challenges, why you attract the relationships you attract and more … if you have the time available to sit down to read the data and reflect about what you want to achieve in life.   

Astrology Reports - $45

Choose your Astrology Report and purchase online (processing fees included) using the Add to Cart buttons below.

Alternatively, click here to buy offline and pay via EFT, Pay to Mobile, or cash (no fees apply).

Required information:

- Current name used
- Date of birth
- Time of birth
- Country of Birth
- City / Place at Birth
Individual Astrology Report

This report is about your essence, your life goals, what motivates you, your passion and the challenges you face to discovery who you are, the things you want, how you view life to invent who you wish to be.  This report outlines choices on how to build confidence, to be independent, to take control of your life and take ownership of your decisions to think for yourself.

Click here for a sample Report

Predictive Astrology Report

This report focuses on how the alignment of the planets and stars at your date and time of birth influences the events at crossroads in your life.  The report looks at your essence at the major transits or events that may occur in your life for the next 12 months. 

Click here for a sample Report

Relationship Astrology Report

Find out how compatible you are with your partner in your life paths, your inner goals and your heart’s desire.  The areas in your life when you have disagreements, how you connect in similarities and what is your journey together.  What it is you are learning from each other in your relationship, the challenges and the joy of happiness in achievements together.

Click here for a sample Report

Health and Wellbeing Astrology Report

This report dives into what your body requires to remain healthy.  The health challenges you will confront to learn about yourself and the energy frequency inherited from the DNA of your parents.  How to stay in alignment with your hormonal centres so that your body can work with you to get the things you want to achieve. 

It is an indepth analyses of what your body is telling you, what it needs for vitality, health and wellbeing.  The health factors that will affect you and the healing solutions to help you manage your challenges.

Click here for a sample Report

Child Astrology Report

This report is a guide for parents on the challenges confronting your children in their childhood journey through schooling, their talents and passion and why they choose their friendships which may not agree with you.  It is in a child’s early years that their character, their essence, their personality, their habits are formed…   good and bad.  

As a parent, mentor or care giver, you are in a unique opportunity to take the concepts, attitudes, beliefs and habit patterns that you have…   to influence those in your environment that are looking at you for guidance on how they can grow, to make decisions, to think for themselves and make the right decisions for themselves. 

Click here for a sample Report


Numerology Reports - $75 / $45

Choose your Numerology Report and purchase online (processing fees included) using the Add to Cart buttons below.

Alternatively, click here to buy offline and pay via EFT, Pay to Mobile, or cash (no fees apply).

Required information:

- Name at birth
- Current name used
- Date of birth
Individual Numerology Report

This report is similar to the Astrology Individual and Predictive Report Combined.  It goes deeper to analyse the energy in the days and months of the next 12 months.  Sometimes when challenges occur, it is not your energy but the energy around you that is shifting and all you can do is sit back and learn patience for the fog to dissipate. 

Click here for a sample report

Relationship Numerology Report

This report is similar to the Astrology Relationship Report.  Find out how compatible you are with your partner in your life paths, your inner goals and your heart’s desire.  The similarities and challenges that bought you together, how you can join your gifts and talents to combine your energy frequencies to maximise opportunities as a team.

Click here for a sample Report

Name Advisor Report

You may be wondering what name to call your new born.  You may have feelings that the name your parents gave you does not suit you and can’t decide on an alternative name.  Maybe you are thinking of buying a new house and want to check out if the address has the right vibration for you.  How about trying to decide what name to call your new business.

Then this report is right for you.  This report analyses various groups of names, converts them to numbers and gives each group a rating.  Each report will process 1 to 8 names or phrases per Report.

Click here for a sample Report