Balancing Body HeartMind and Spirit

All thoughts carry a frequency and that frequency has an electrical charge that is magnetised in the body. If you hold onto those emotions long enough, that electromagnetic energy recalibrates itself to those bodily feelings and your body thinks it is normal. That’s great when those feelings are peaceful, but stressful emotions over the long term start to break down your immune system.

I show you techniques on how to communicate with your inner guidance so that they can help you dissipate confused thoughts. Are there feelings of things that you feel stuck on and have difficulty moving forward. Do you feel you have barriers that keep you thinking in the past, or constant thoughts of love ones you have lost. Maybe you keep having thoughts of wanting what you know you cannot have.

Would you like to have a different focus, to have feelings of commitment to a different purpose or how to take action to get your life heading in a different direction? Combine colour and sound therapy with the energy from the cosmos to change the vibrating frequencies that your cells are currently spinning.

As an NLP Practitioner, aromatherapist, reflexologist and energy healer, I channel my clairvoyant and psychic abilities to hone into your awareness.  I show your mind when it is lost in thought, to know how to reel itself in and connect to your soul part, to be aware.  This process will help you view challenges, that if a previous unwanted circumstance presented itself again, you can see more choices to react or to act differently.

Balancing HeartMind Spirit - 120 minutes - $245

includes BrainTap, Ki Magnetic Healing, Aura Photo and Personality Chakra Report

BrainTap Session
- 60 minutes - $75

With BrainTap, close your eyes, relax with a headset as your brainwave tunes in and awakens the brain to be the change.

The BrainTap produces light, sound and vibration with a technology known as frequency following response.  This refers to the brain’s natural tendency to follow rhythms and frequencies. 

When the headset produces a specific frequency, the brain will naturally follow it and subsequently produce that brainwave.  And, let it be so.  Bring all the different parts of you together and start your morning with a sunrise agreement to balance your Body HeartMind and Spirit.

Ki Magnetic Healing Session
- 60 minutes - $75

With Magnetic Healing, I allow my hands to be drawn to areas of inflammation and balance your electromagnetic field. I channel the energy from the cosmos and with my hands, scoop up any unwanted emotions and repair your aura.

I use Ki Energy, to replenish your jing, smooth and revitalise your auric field. Jing is a substance that you inherit from your parents at the moment of your conception and refers to your original life force.

A large clear crystal quartz ball is placed at your portal, above your Crown Chakra to connect to the cosmos and channel energy into your electromagnetic field. We ask the universal energy to stimulate the Crown Chakra and give instructions to all the others chakras below to align and work together.

A large quartz laser wand is placed at the base of your feet to help your energy to be grounded in your sexual identity and dissipate any unwanted emotions into the ground. Along with your guardian angels and the universal energy, we help your soul to trust your gut, your instincts in the creation of social networks that make you feel safe and secure. We ask your guidance to stimulate your creative urge, to take control of your surroundings and the conditions in your life.

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Balancing Body HeartMind and Spirit

120 minute session (by appointment)

Includes BrainTap, Ki Magnetic Healing, and Aura Photo & Personality Chakra Report

BrainTap Session

60 minute session (by appointment)

Ki Magnetic Healing Session

60 minute session (by appointment)