Aura Photos and Personality Chakra Reports
An Aura Photo is a picture of your energy frequency at a point in time. The photo reveals your essence, how people see you, where you are now and where your inner guidance wants to take you. A Personality and Chakra Report will take you on a journey deeper into your inner self. The report analyses your energy frequency and takes a look at your wheel of fortune. It is a workbook on how you can balance your electromagnetic energy.
Psychic Clairvoyant
I have been doing professional psychic readings since 1987. In my clairvoyant reading for you I read your aura and interpret what my inner guidance sees as your life purpose. I talk to my spirit guides and look at your essence, your energy frequency to channel through your information.
Balancing Body HeartMind and Spirit
Combining colour and sound therapy with the energy from the cosmos to target the cells of the body. To still your thoughts, connect to your innate higher intelligence and dissipate any confuse thoughts. I show you how to refine your breath to firm up your essence and open up your energy gates and energy channels … and more.
Astrology & Numerology Reports
These Reports are indepth psychic readings on who you are, what you have come here to achieve and where your energy frequency wants to take you. They highlight your current and future challenges and offer choices on how to take control of your life. The computer software analyses the information I receive from you and I email the report to you to print off.
For the lucky ones, they know and feel blessed to have discovered their passion in life and having the ability to live it. For many of us it is a constant frustration identifying who they are, what is their life purpose, what are they here to achieve and what do you wish for. Like a moving goal post, it’s a constant struggle with lots of drama, trying to look for evidence in their life that what they are doing is the correct path.