Subliminal Effects of Colour

Many of us choose colours instinctively without any regard to how they interact with our feelings.  Colours can make you feel healed and stimulated or sad and lethargic.  Have a look at your wardrobe of clothes.  Most likely they are predominately a certain colour because of how they make you feel and look.  For example red clothes can make you feel warm and stimulated.  Pink often has a feeling of compassion, love, empathy and calm.  Blue clothes can say that you are a private, loyal and a thoughtful person.  Black clothes often make a statement to the world that you are going out there to discover yourself and have some fun.   When you wear all the colours that unite to create white or rainbow, you may have a desire for some soul searching and inner joy or a transformation of consciousness.  

Located around your body are energy centres or chakras that radiate a certain colour. Wearing certain colours or having them in your environment can help you to balance your stress levels.  Here is a guideline as to what chakra maybe out of balance when you have certain attitudes towards life and what colour you may be feeling the need for.     

The colour Red relates to the Base Chakra located at the end of the spinal cord.  

Attitudes of imbalance coming from the base chakra...
“I never seem to have enough money to impress my friends.”
“I do not deserve to have the nice things in life.”
“It’s too hard to attain what I want, I am going to give up.”

Attitudes of balance coming from the base chakra...
“I have practical goals and I am taking steps to achieve them.”
“I know that everything is a means to an end, not an end in itself.”
“Nothing is impossible, I am willing to get involved to see things accomplished.”

The colour Orange relates to the Spleen Chakra, which is located below the navel.

Attitudes of imbalance coming from the spleen chakra...
“What I want is of no consequence as my family comes first.”
“My parents want me to be an accountant so I will give up my dream to be an artist.”

Attitudes of balance coming from the spleen chakra...
“I feel free to be able to express my creativity, I feel life is very rewarding.”
“There are so many opportunities in my life at present that give me a sense of fulfilment.”

Yellow is the colour of the Solar Plexus Chakra located above the stomach.

Attitudes of imbalance coming from the solar plexus chakra... 
“I feel all tied up in knots as those words have hurt my feelings.”
“I am afraid that someone will take advantage me, so I better not take on new opportunities.”
“Those people are not like us, they act a little strange.”
“My problem is that I trust people and they let me down.”

Attitudes of balance coming from the solar plexus chakra... 
“I feel a sense of oneness with all things.”
“I have understanding and empathy with others.”
“I recognise that what I see in others is a mirror of myself.”
“It is stimulating to meet people with new ideas as it gives me a fresh outlook on life.”

The colours Green and Pink relate to the Heart Chakra located around the heart.

Attitudes of imbalance coming from the heart chakra...
“If I try to learn something new I might look foolish.”
“I might get hurt if I say something and I would rather be safe than sorry.”
“I think I had better hold off for a while and see what other people are going to do first.”

Attitudes of balance coming from the heart chakra... 
“I feel enthusiastic with the things I am involved with.”
“I feel I know what I am getting out of life.”
“I know that if I take it step by step I will accomplish the task.”

The colour Blue relates to the Throat Chakra located around the throat.

Attitudes of imbalance coming from the throat chakra...
“I think I will keep quiet as I feel no one understands me.”
“Children are to be seen and not heard.”
“I do not like change, it makes me feel insecure.”

Attitudes of balance coming from the throat chakra ...
“I feel free to express my true feelings.”
“I am not bothered when people disagree with me.”
“I love to share with others and hear their opinions.”

Indigo (deep blue) is the colour of the Third Eye Chakra located between the eyes.

Attitudes of imbalance coming from the third eye chakra... 
“I love sharing with others but I just don’t have the time.”
“If I keep everything to myself, people will have to come to me for the answers.”

Attitudes of balance coming from the third eye chakra...
“I love to help others and participate in sharing my knowledge.”
“I know when I share with other people a lot more comes back to me.”

Violet is the colour of the Crown Chakra located at the top of the head.  

Attitudes of imbalance coming from the crown chakra...
“I feel embarrassed when someone gives me a compliment.”
“It’s not fair, everyone knows more than what I do.”
“I feel stressed about not having any choices with my direction in life.”
“I feel stuck as if someone is holding me back.”

Attitudes of balance coming from the crown chakra... 
“I feel comfortable with who I am and enjoy giving and receiving from others.”
“I feel I have worthwhile ideas and have a lot to contribute to society.”
“The more I trust my inner awareness, the more choices seem to open up to me.”