Enduring Change

At some level or other, we all move from one trance to another. We accumulate so much knowledge from walking to talking that our brain quickly learns how to automate behaviour.  We tend to learn by repetition with sleeping and dreaming being important pathways in the learning process.  Quality information is important otherwise the brain will just process nonsense if it hasn’t anything specific to work with.

The truth is when you know how something is done it becomes easy to change.  When you automatically do things like overeating, becoming depressed or being afraid of elevators, you  can reprogram yourself to change.  Freedom is about being able to use your conscious mind to direct your unconscious activity.  The unconscious needs direction.  Without direction, you might end up grasping for straws and then find there just aren’t any there at all.

Our strongest instinct is to keep things familiar.  We tend to make things familiar even when we know it does not function for us anymore.  We stick with it because we are unaware we have choices or the choice like being alone is more terrifying that we refuse to change.  People often stick to their habits to avoid change.  Somehow the impact of past negative experiences needs to be reduced for new and more useful pathways to emerge.

Pervasive change can happen if you are willing to take inventory of your life and take a closer look at how you create your realities.  Find out where your internal assets and liabilities are and be prepared to shift them around.  Be methodical about this in your mind.  Take a closer look at your model of the world, your beliefs, your values, your level of integrity.  How do you structure your approach to life.  

Ask yourself questions about what it going on in your head, how your know things, where your images are located, how big are the visions of your happiness, is there an inner voice that talks to you, whose voice is it, what is the tone of that voice.  You cannot be traumatized by the past if you are not reliving it life-size.  Step out of the images of your past that you are ready to let go and make them Small.  Step into the images of things worth remembering and make them Large.

For enduring change to take place, you must be so tired of the problem that you decide you really want to change.  You somehow need to see your problem from a new perspective in that head of yours.  New and appealing options must emerge or be created that you can pursue. It’s not so much as your story of why you behave the way you do that is important.  Insight into the content of your story may gain you lots of sympathetic support but not necessarily the tools for you to change what is going on in your head.  
Dig deeper into your conscious mind and be brutally honest with yourself.  How are you setting up your problem state to direct your unconscious activity.  How do you maintain your automatic habits in your DNA structure that you constantly relive unwanted memories.  Find out what works and what does not work for you.  Slice away those things that no longer fit you and replace part of yourself with a new state of consciousness that feels better to you.