Love and Joy


Every day we are exposed to uncertainty that can take us on an emotional roller coaster. How we cope with that experience defines our character that ultimately maps out our future. When you shut yourself off from being vulnerable, inquisitive and speaking your truth, you distance yourself from what brings you purpose. Daring to be who you are is not about winning or losing, it’s about defining your path to find out what brings you love and joy.

Finding what you are required to do to achieve freedom is a far greater risk than getting criticised or being complacent. Nothing is as uncomfortable or hurtful as standing on the outside of your life, looking in, and wondering many years later … if only I had stepped into that arena. What was that thing you always wanted to do or say, was it a new relationship, an important meeting, a creative process, or a difficult family conversation?

We tend to forget that the emotions we want to avoid, such as grief and loss, is also the birthplace of love and joy. And why should you focus your thoughts on elevated states of mind? Because high vibrations like gratitude and appreciation attract to you your angels to guide you. When you are willing to drop the armour that protects you from feeling vulnerable, you will open yourself to the experiences that will define who you are. Don’t we all want to strive towards a sense of belonging to whatever community we choose to reside in?

We are all unique in our own individual journey on life. What is challenging for one person is not for the other and having a safe space that is supportive and nonjudgmental is what we all want. Chances are, we all have had feelings of sweating palms, a racing heart or not wanting to suck it up to anyone anymore. Can you afford not to take yourself to the edge, where fear and courage meet, and plunge into the unknown?

If you want greater clarity and purpose, be willing to confront risk and an uncertain future. Be willing to expand your perception and lean into situations that are uncomfortable but connects you to an opportunity for growth. Know that in that place where you will find love, will also dwell heart break. Get out of your comfort zone, don’t pretend you have the right answers and just be curious.

You cannot selectively numb negative emotions like suffering and insecurity, without numbing positive emotions like authenticity and happiness. It doesn’t work when you want to play the blame game. Accept that at the end of the day it is what it is with no guarantees. Practice gratitude and be open to conversations that might be different from yours. Take a moment to be still and silent and you will hear your soul. Listen to what your inner self has to say to you because that voice will determine your future.