Free Will


When it comes down to it there are two ways we can approach life, either as a victim or as a creator. When we become conscious of our choices, we naturally begin to gravitate towards making more loving choices rather than being limited by our abilities. We know we have free will to choose how we feel but we tend to react to people, circumstances and situations as to how we think at that moment.

Of course making a choice of being a creator is easier said than done which is why we call it a practice. Through repetition you are able to self-regulate your feelings so that you can change your emotional state at will. As you become more aware of your choices you will naturally gravitate towards making more selfless decisions, rather than reacting in a selfish manner.

When your senses become heightened by stress you automatically respond to potential danger, threats or anything that could cause you harm. Since where you place your attention is where you place your energy then all of your focus is invested into that moment. So now you have to play by the rules of matter trying to change matter in the effort to create what you want and that takes time.

It makes sense then that the more you live by your emotions the more you will buy into them. You become entrenched into your personal views on love and hate, past and future, male and female and so on. The degree to which you buy into this duality of consciousness is the degree to which you will become a victim of your emotions and the belief that things are happening to you, rather than for you.

You innately know that each experience you come across gives you an opportunity to learn and grow. You know you have the power of wisdom to create your own reality. Yet at times you find yourself waiting for something in your outer world to take away the feeling of lack or incompleteness from your inner world. The greater your desire to create your own reality, the greater your internal need will be to move away from separation and towards Oneness.

This sense of Wholeness will require you to invest your belief in a unified field and take your attention off matter. The more you practice heart coherence the more it becomes a way of being that inhabits your body. If you allow these feelings to seep into every cell of your being you will feel divinity. The energy emitted from your heart chakra will make you feel connected to something greater.

You have free will to choose how you want to live your life. Living with thoughts of less, lack and separation will cause your energy to move closer towards the Source. If pure love is where you descended from then the more whole and connected you feel, the less of wanting for anything you will experience. This is because you will feel like you already have what you are creating.