Being Centred


We have all felt at one time or another, as being centred, balanced and at peace with ourselves and our surroundings. These feelings lead us to embrace emotions like love, trust and forgiveness as we cannot help but feel whole, fulfilled and complete. These emotions we feel come from the heart chakra which intersects between our lower three chakras relating to the selfish emotions of a physical nature and our upper three chakras associated with the selfless emotions of our higher self.

When your heart chakra is at peace, it has a positive effect on your body and aura, causing you to feel more content with everything and everyone. This heart centred state causes you to feel connected to your inner self and consumes any thoughts you may have of want or lack of something. From this creative state of oneness, magic happens because you are no longer waiting for something from outside of yourself to provide relief from any feelings or thoughts of emptiness or separation.

Every thought you think produces a corresponding chemistry equal to that thought which in turn creates an emotion. In other words, your thoughts automatically align with the emotional state of your body and that message appears in your aura field. But, if you are feeling needy and stressed from lack of something, you can think positively all you want, but that message is confusing to the body and cannot be felt or understood. This is because your aura believes that the sensations it has been made aware of are coming from an experience in your environment. Your body has an internal fight or flight mechanism which switches on automatically as a self-survival response stimulus to conditions your aura is sensing.

The more you feel balanced and centred, the less likely you will react to stressors in your life and the less likely you will be living in survival mode. Thoughts and emotions play an important role in the way you process information, feel and understand the world and your place in it. The more you sustain feelings of wholeness and oneness, the less separated you will be from your thoughts or wishes, hopes and dreams. Maintain elevated emotions and eventually your body in its innate intelligence will believe that these feelings you are embracing are coming from responses to actual experiences.

Surrender to and maintain thoughts like gratitude, joy and love and it will become a habit. By repeatedly practising being in heightened emotional states, you are creating a new emotional baseline which will be reflected in your aura and seen by others. This feel-think feedback loop between the heart and mind will assist you to balance and direct your energy to flow into a cascade of awareness.

Your aura intuitively influences how people interact with you as they see and feel your electromagnetic field. A peaceful aura will help you replace stressful situations with positive experiences and give you energy, fill your spirit and leave you with a sense of connection and unity with your family and friends. Your mind is always thinking, but when you are being centred, the thinking stops, your chakras align and the heart in its inner knowing becomes an instrument of perception.